COCA-COLA COMPANY: The new beverage on the block

DELIVERABLES Communication Strategy
Creative Strategy
Campaign Plan & Execution
Social Media Management
BTL Execution

The brand aimed for young urban, male&female, city life enjoyers, foodies, extraordinarily social and outgoing, trendsetters, city events lovers, with a wide and lively circle of friends.


The launch of the Appletiser was a part of the Coca-Cola Company’s strategy to launch several niche-brands on the new markets through a very focused and narrowed-down market approach. The plan was implemented into 3 European markets – Austria, Italy, and Switzerland, for 3 Coca-Cola Company brands. One of them was the Appletiser.

The strategy was based on a startup philosophy, which is why the Startaparat team had been chosen to work with Coca-Cola Hellenic Austria on implementation. The goal was to define and reach a particular and narrow target group in Vienna, and within the first 6-12 months of the brand market entry, establish them as spokespersons and the “connoisseurs” of the brand.

The brand aimed for young urban, male&female, city life enjoyers, foodies, extraordinarily social and outgoing, trendsetters, city events lovers, with a wide and lively circle of friends.

We had singled out several micro-locations in the city of Vienna that fit the target group to approach them. The selection of channels were social media, detected several “influencers” within the target audience, and used non-standard BTL activities.

We invited hand-selected individuals and communities in the area to come and meet the new drink in the city. “Hello, neighbor” events were organized in small but beloved bars and cafes (as well as locally famous markets). The invitations were delivered personally by the delivery team to our aimed target group. 


The events involved interactive music performance by Viennese improvisation theatre actors, which interacted with the visitors and passer-byes by transferring their daily life stories and highlights into rock, blues, and jazz songs on the spot.

Using specific locations and spots off the standard beaten tracks, we had created an atmosphere of community gatherings, very popular in the young Viennese urban scene. We presented the brand as an alternative, non-mass market drink.



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