1MILLIONSTARTUPS: Global Conference 2018
Startaparat has designed the first 1MillionStartups Global Conference. It happened in the very hot Viennese startup hub weXelerate from September 12 to 14, 2018.
Startaparat has designed the first 1MillionStartups Global Conference. It happened in the very hot Viennese startup hub weXelerate from September 12 to 14, 2018.
1MillionStartups is a global platform devoted to the discovery and support of SDG startups and entrepreneurs. Aiming to help achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals based on their projects. Startaparat is one of the co-founders of the platform and also the main event organizer.
We crafted this year’s theme to impact investment. The topic of the conference was, “What does investing in SDGs bring to the future?” In this first-time meeting, more than 500 startups of the global 1MillionStartups Community from 65 countries personally got together.
The keynote speakers included Schramböck Margarete – Austrian Federal Minister for Digital & Economic Affairs Carco Monica Senior Industrial Development Officer UNIDO, Candace Johnson, former President of The European Trade Association for Business Angels (EBAN), Hansi Hansmann, President of Austrian Angels Investors Association (aaia), European Early Stage Investor 2015, Andreas Brandstetter, CEO Uniqa Group and Cameron Sinclair – Former head of Social Innovation at Airbnb among others.
We were excited to be part of the team and finally bring 1MillionStartups’ members together. It was an exceptional opportunity to exchange ideas, meet the members in person in a rather exclusive environment. Event has been invitation-only, over 300 members and partners from around the globe joined.
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