MONDI: The Touch

DELIVERABLES Creative concept
Communication Campaign
Touch screen micro-site
TV animation (3D rendering)
VR game concept
VR game production

For the purpose of Mondi presentation at three major international industry business fairs in Germany, Russia and USA, we had created a multi – channel communication project inspired by Mondi slogan – In touch every day.


How much do we really know about the products that surround us? Where are they coming from, what they are made of, are they somehow connected?

When it comes to the paper and packaging industry, our understanding rarely goes beyond printing paper and cardboard boxes. In reality, our living and work spaces are filled with these products. This everyday life puzzle was the source of inspiration for our Mondi project – looking closer into things that go unnoticed.

Mondi is the paper and packaging specialist with the range of products covering areas from agriculture, automotive and building industry, to pharmaceuticals, office solutions, and pet care. If you look around yourself right now, you can probably count at least 3-5 Mondi products in your nearest surrounding.




As the clear and straight-forward symbol of the Mondi touch, a 3D model of a cardboard hand was created – an element that appeared in animated, digital and VR materials, as well as classical print materials. The hand was easy to understand from the first second, brought a human touch to the industry theme and was highly visible and recognizable at busy and packed fair halls.

The VR game developed for the promotional purpose, allowed Mondi booth visitors to discover for themselves a wide range of products they are in touch with every day. The game enabled people to virtually roam through an apartment containing obvious and less obvious Mondi products, finding one by one in drawers, on shelves, in kitchen cabinets etc., and learning more about them – from water degradable folios for dishwasher tablets, food and pet food packaging, pouches for baby food, to wet wipes, cardboard stands, printing paper, and many more.

The VR content originally intended for business fairs purposes, turned out to be a valuable internal promotional material for internal presentations, workshops and seminars, displaying the products in a new, innovative and attention-grabbing way.



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