FREEWA: More than a startup – a world free drinking water movement
Communication Campaign
PR Campaign
Influencer Relationship
Community Management
FREEWA, a free water startup, is serious about leaving something good behind. Set in motion by four enthusiasts who are design, marketing and sales experts, FREEWA is all about the love for Nature’s greatest gift – water. But the story only began here.
FREEWA believes that all humans are born free. Free to walk the Earth, to breathe clean air, and to drink free, clean water – all of these representing basic human rights. Furthermore, humans also hold the responsibility to defend these rights for the generations yet to come. This will be our contribution to the Earth,’ FREEWA team explained to us at our first meeting. Behind the Movement, there are also two products – a free drinking water world map app, and a glass bottle with a felt bag so no human buys a plastic one ever again.

The entire Startaparat team was thrilled with the project, and we immediately wanted to become a part of it. Since FREEWA team had already taken care of its branding, packaging, and distribution, Startaparat’s main task to was to help in startup’s funding and prepare the project for a successful crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo platform. Simultaneously, we were taking care of FREEWA Social Media campaign on all accounts to spread the messages more effectively and PR activities.

The campaign ended with good results, 95% of the crowdfunding total amount has been completed, over 1500 free drinking water location all around the world have been mapped, the project gained fair amount of free PR, and institutions and large companies had recognized FREEWA as innovative and socially responsible project in water preservation field, and had also joined in supporting FREEWA.
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