The KunstRaum Goethestrasse Xtd: From Linz with Respect

DELIVERABLES Creative Concept
360 Communication Campaign
Campaign Identity (lllustrations)
Web design and development

An initiative by KunstRaum Goethestrasse xtd – pro mente Upper Austria, Linz AG Linien and Friedensstadt Linz call for more acceptance and tolerance in Linz.


Is it a friendly smile if someone is holding the door for me? Is it the umbrella someone is sharing with me? Is it a handshake, a gesture, a glance or the help given when a tourist asks for directions? – A respectful togetherness sometimes requires a small step back to reconsider the conditions.

The KunstRaum Goethestrasse xtd, a part of pro mente Upper Austria in Linz is more than just a gallery or showroom. KunstRaum combines art, cultural content and social policy and gives people the opportunity for networking, the social connection under the motto Variety, diversity, respect. With the recent project City of Respect, KunstRaum, Linz AG Linien, and Friedensstadt Linz introduce an initiative to further develop an open society. For this project, the agency created the communication strategy, visual identity, and 360° campaign.

We first asked ourselves: what is respect for each of us? The agency started a short survey among Linz citizens, asking people what respect means to them, and the responses collected were the core of the entire campaign. The Linz locals provided the main message, they made this campaign.





The artwork is colorful, with a playful font to appeal to the whole community – young and old. The city of Linz features some iconographic landmarks like the Lentos Museum and the Main Cathedral. The symbols are arranged in a circular graphic, to portray an inclusive unity and a society with cohesion and solidarity.

The leitmotif of respect is movement. Only with movement do people come together. In cooperation with Linz AG Linien and Friedensstadt Linz, a lot of different communication tools were at our disposal. “The public transport network in Linz is like a pulsating lifeline which connects people and spaces,” says Dr. Jutta Rinner, MBA, director of the executive board of Linz AG Linien, adding that they were proud to support this initiative because in public transport systems respect is an important issue.

The campaign is divided into separate phases and will be on-air for a year. Following ATL activities, the campaign goes digital, on social media mostly, where dialogue with Linz locals actually happens.







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